Congrats, dear Sally!
Here's the beginning of her self-interview on her forthcoming book of poetry:
What is the working title of the book?
Mad Honey Symposium.
Where did the idea come from for the book?
Poetry books usually come from entire constellations of ideas. Here are some of the most pervasive ones, for me:
1. When researching names for an angry third world feminist girl band in 2007, I stumbled upon the fact that honey badgers aim for the scrotums when attacking larger animals.
2. Honey badgers pretend to be immortal when they are not. They may have thick skin and fierce claws but they do get hurt. Poetry is feral. So is desire. The honey badger denotes a feral desire. More so, it denotes a female, vulnerable desire. The honey badger exemplifies marginalized bodies. Such is the paradox of poetry: it’s vulnerable, yet attempts to be brave. We do not know whether to call it stupid, or admirable, or both.
3. Mad honey makes people go crazy. They eat it in a state of wonder or fit of hunger or desire. They experience hallucinations after eating it. They get drunk on this honey and vomit and tremble and cry. They suffer for their desires.
Read the rest of her interview here: